Well, on the Fourth we had some friends over at my Mom and Step Dad's house for a Loiusiana craw fish boil. It was delicious and a great party that I would definately reccommend you host for something a little different than the usual barbeque.
We were originally going to have jumbalaya with it but then decided against it because we ended up just adding to the "elements" of the boil. The boil included craw fish, corn on the cob, blue crabs, shrimp, and sausage. On the side we had coleslaw, and to end the meal we had a flag cake.
To hear more about this party idea and all others the others that we have please contact us anytime!
(925) 989.8497 or arawitch@gmail.com
Wow..looks amazing! It looks like we missed a great time. Did everything taste as good as it looked?